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6 Practical Tips on How to Find the Right SEO Agency – Our Guide

March 6, 2020
By Joshua Hay
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Over the years, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies have helped many businesses effectively gain more traffic to their websites. Although many marketing strategies may become less effective over time, know that this will not be the case with SEO. For this reason, having an SEO agency helps take away pressure of understanding the many detailed aspects that goes into being ranked high on google.

If you want to know which agency to work with for your SEO strategy, here are six tips to help you:

1. Know their SEO techniques

When talking to an SEO agency, it’s crucial that you ask about their SEO techniques. By asking questions, you’ll be able to identify whether or not they’re using SEO strategies that are spammy. Know that agencies that use black hat SEO can actually do more harm than good to your site over time.

2. Have your site evaluated

When looking for an SEO agency, have them evaluate your site first and assess what techniques they plan to implement to boost your site’s rankings and to reach your business goals. Having your site assessed on the initial interview will allow you to determine whether or not the SEO agency is a good fit for your business.

3. Know their keyword strategy tools & techniques

Keywords are essential for every SEO strategy. This is why SEO agencies use various techniques and tools to do keyword research and come up with the most relevant keywords that will help boost the site’s rankings. If it’s possible, ask for a sample keyword research from your prospective SEO agency.

4. Know their backlinks strategy

Similar to keywords, backlinks are crucial for SEO efforts. Some agencies will purchase links to help build a site’s backlinks. However, this is a black hat SEO strategy that could penalize your site as search engines can now quickly spot sites that purchase or sell backlinks. Ask the SEO agency about their backlink strategy techniques and then evaluate whether or not their strategy will work for your business and if they’re legit.

5. Consider your budget

You might be talking to an excellent SEO agency, and you just can’t wait to have them on-board. However, consider your budget first because such services could get expensive. If you don’t plan properly, you might end up facing financial difficulties in other aspects of your business because you’re spending outside your means for SEO strategies.

6. Know their reporting strategy

Before hiring an SEO agency, make sure that you find out their reporting strategy and how they do it. Know that you can also ask for a sample of their reports. If the reports look like they came from a computer-generated tool, you would be better off without them because you can do this on your own. You need to find a dedicated SEO agency that will provide you with in-depth and well-researched data and analytics that are valuable for your business needs.

Final words

At this point, you now know several tips on how to find the right agency to work with. Because there are many options in the market today, the search will be worth it once you find the right one.

If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency in Winnipeg that specializes in SEO, get in touch with us today! We’re happy to help.