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Why Should I Hire a Web Designer Instead of Doing it Myself?

March 10, 2019
By Team Hello

Your business needs a website and you’re thinking about doing it yourself.  It can’t be that difficult, right?  Actually, it can, if you want to do it right.  Let’s consider some excellent reasons not to do it yourself and your business is better off to hire a web designer.

It Saves Time

Learning to design and build your own website isn’t easy.  There’s a steep learning curve ahead for those without experience in programming, Photoshop, design elements, functionality or accessibility.  And that’s not to mention if you had anything interesting in mind for the site which you’ve seen on other websites but isn’t in fact as easy as it seems to realize.  You might be spending days on trying to figure out just one aspect or tiny detail which really brings the design together. When you hire a web designer, you can see instant progress on your business.

Look Professional

People love the convenience of an internet search when looking to get things done.  And when they come upon your website, it will for better or worse be their first impression of you, so make it count.  A professional design enhances your brand and instils trust in your potential customers.  When you design it yourself, results may vary, widely.  Hire a web designer and ensure your digital image reflects your values so that it’s one less obstacle between your business and success.

A Worthwhile Investment

There are added benefits to hiring a web designer, so it’s a great investment when considering benefits over time.  Something which marks the difference between professional and amateur on the internet is the longevity of a site’s design.  This is where it’s important to employ a professional eye which can tell the difference between a passing trend and something which is lasting.  Some sites don’t age well.  A professional web designer can help you avoid having a site which will need redesigned in three to five years and instead look just as fresh as it does now.

To Stand Out

Designing and building your own website is difficult, let alone designing and building one which is unique and interesting.  When you hire a professional web designer, you’ll get a site which isn’t built from a template and doesn’t look like a beginner project.  What’s more, your site’s unique look will be memorable to potential clients and can help convert them to loyal customer. The attention you put towards your web design will be correlated to the attention of your customers and the trust you’ll gain from it.

It Helps You Get Found (SEO)

The internet is a double-edged sword for business, because while it’s more affordable to get many eyes on your business, this affordable marketplace is quite crowded and so it’s easy to get overlooked if you don’t show up well in a search.  Enter Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  This is a whole subject unto itself which an admirable do-it-yourself enthusiast will have to study in order to reap the maximum benefits of building a website for his or her business.  Why not trust a professional instead?

It Works Across all Devices

Had you considered how your site will appear on a smartphone?  How does it look in Chrome?  Firefox?  An important and, for the beginner, frustrating aspect of web design is ensuring that your site has a consistent look across all devices.  Testing is a critical part of web design which takes time and know-how and sometimes unearths tricky bugs or inconsistencies the knowledge of which can save time and headaches at the design stage.

Hire A Web Designer To Ensure That Your Website Is Available On Mobile And Desktop.
Hire a web designer to help with cross platform compatibility.

Help us Help You

As you can see, there are many things to consider when designing your website and it isn’t as easy as people mistakenly think, perhaps due to the vast amounts of quality websites across the internet.  Let us help you reach a level of professionalism and detail with your web design that is a deserving representation of your quality business.

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