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4 More Web Design Mistakes That Everyone Should Avoid

April 7, 2021
By Joshua Hay
web design

In the digital world, it’s no secret that websites serve as the backbone of every business. That’s even more true now that the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed pretty much the majority of businesses into online transactions. 

While a well-designed website can help you drive more customers to your business, making a few web design mistakes could also hurt you and make all those potential customers bounce off to a competitor. Here are some common web design mistakes to avoid, according to a group of Winnipeg and  Calgary web design experts from Hello Digital Marketing.

Not Mobile Friendly

Perhaps the most obvious and oftentimes biggest mistake you can commit is to design a website that’s not optimized for mobile users. How big of a mistake? It’s almost like you never created a website in the first place. If the images on your site aren’t scaled to mobile screens or the menu options are too small to tap, say goodbye to your site visitors.

There are millions of mobile users worldwide right now, which makes up a big chunk of all the potential visitors you could have. Optimizing your website for mobile gives users a significantly better mobile experience, and it also helps your SEO. Since 2018, Google has been ranking mobile-friendly sites more favourably than those that are not.

Slow Loading Pages

If a single page on your website takes more than four seconds to load, that’s already considered too slow. Think of it as the equivalent of slamming a door to your customer’s face. The slower the site is, the more likely a user is to bounce off and visit a different site. Before you even ask, page speed actually matters in your SEO and impacts your rankings.

This goes the same with mobile web pages. Mobile sites load differently than their web counterparts, so you should consider that as well. With so many site speed tools out there to check for your website’s loading speed, there’s no excuse to have a slow-loading website. 

Too Much Going On

If a visitor clicks on your website and becomes overwhelmed by all the links, graphics, text, and ads floating around your website, then that’s almost a guarantee that they’ll hit the back button and continue on with their Google search. Avoid cramming too much information and images in your website as it only confuses your visitors as to what they’re supposed to do when they land on your page. 

According to Calgary web design experts, you should avoid busy designs like the plague. Keep it simple but substantial enough for visitors to understand what you’re website is all about within the first few seconds of seeing it.

Too Little Going On

While it may sound contradictory, a website that’s too bare and plain also tends to drive people away. Having a minimalist design is a huge trend right now, and it actually works well if done correctly. However, if you make your website overly cryptic or just lack any useful information, it’s time to go back to the drawing table. You need to find the right balance of content, graphics, and sensible navigation to make your visitors stay and browse through your website.


These are just some of the most valuable tips when it comes to creating a website that boosts conversions and generates a lot of traffic. Avoid those pitfalls mentioned above, and you’ll be good to go. We all know that website design can be difficult to master, which is why it’s always best to hire a professional to do it for you.

Get on top of industry trends and best practices with the help of a company like Hello Digital Marketing. We are a group of Winnipeg and Calgary web design experts offering digital marketing solutions aimed at growing your business. Say hello to our team by scheduling a consultation today!