When you run a business, it’s important to ensure that every penny you’re investing is being spent wisely. When used correctly, Google Ads can be a profitable way to market your business. However, many business owners fail to reap the expected return on investment from Google Ads because they’re running into common Google Ads pitfalls. Here are 4 of the most common Google Ads mistakes liable to kill your profits.
Lack of Geographical Information
Over half of all web traffic is accessed via mobile device. Google is tailored to present geographically-relevant results, especially to mobile users. Additionally, many people who plan to make a purchase in the moment are looking for local businesses that meet their needs. If you neglect to include geographical information in your Google Ads, you’re doing your business a disservice.
To increase your ranking for local search targeting, include the name of your city and state in your content. Consider what potential audiences will be searching for if they’re looking for a business like yours. For example, a lawyer might want to use keywords like “defense attorney in Freeport, Maine” or “defense laywer in Maine” to help their target audience locate their business.
Neglecting Branded Keywords
Sometimes, businesses focus so much on ranking for industry-wide keywords that they avoid using branded keywords specific to them. This is a huge Google Ads mistake. Audiences want to know about your brand right up front. Additionally, the Marketing Rule of 7 reminds us that the more times you can remind people about your brand, the more likely they are to recognize, trust, and purchase from you.
A better strategy is to tie branded keywords in with industry specific keywords. For example, a local mechanic might write the following in their content: “AutoTools is a full service mechanic located in Austin, Texas.” This way, they rank for both branded and non-branded keywords.
Forgetting Negative Keyword Lists
Google Ad Words are charged per click or impression. However, not all clicks or impressions will generate the type of business that you’re looking for. Having a comprehensive negative keyword list allows you to specify the type of traffic you don’t want. This gives you a better return on investment by trimming the fat and leaving you with your target audience.
Some common negative keywords to include in your negative keyword list include your competitors’ brand names, words like “cheap” or “discount,” or any brand-specific words you commonly see bringing in traffic but not generating sales.
Directing Traffic to Your Homepage
When you create your Google Ads, you decide where your audience lands after they click through your ad. One mistake many businesses make is sending traffic directly to their homepage. At first, this may seem like a good idea. Your homepage is where you assume traffic will start out, and has been optimized for easy navigation. But when you consider the fact that most customers need to hear about your brand 7 times before they’ll ever make a purchase, directing them to your homepage isn’t a great strategy.
A better strategy is to direct traffic to a landing page specific to the keywords in the Google Ad. This allows you to target potential customers at a much more personal level. You can include a free downloadable PDF in exchange for their email address, which allows you to increase the reach of your newsletter. This means that you can send these potential customers targeted reminders about your brand on a regular basis.
Putting together a successful Google Ads campaign isn’t as simple as slapping a price tag on pre-existing content. A good Google Ads campaign takes careful planning, hard work, and an expert touch. Here at Hello Digital Marketing, we’re well-practiced at helping companies create Google Ads that offer a good return on investment. To get started with Hello Digital Marketing, contact us today.

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