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3 Tips for Writing an Effective COVID-19 Email – Our Guide

April 30, 2020
By Team Hello
black laptop computer

Most businesses across the world have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which encourages them to send out a statement that centers around the ongoing health crisis. 

Whether you run a business or are a marketer, you may be considering whether you need to send out an email regarding COVID-19 to your audience. While there is no perfect template for this type of statement, here are three tips on how you can communicate with your target audience and customers effectively in this time of need:

Maintain a compassionate tone

When writing your email, keep in mind that the coronavirus outbreak is not just a simple inconvenience to the lives of many but a serious crisis that has a major—and deadly—impact all over the world. Because of this, your COVID-19 messaging needs to maintain a compassionate tone. Tailor your content to your readers and let them know and feel that you care for and understand what they’re going through during this pandemic.

Update your customers if your business is affected by the pandemic

If your products or services are impacted or changed in any way by COVID-19, then it is best to send out an email to your customers so that they are updated. Informing your audience is important, especially if you have physical stores or your business offers food, beverages, medicines, health supplies, and other essentials.

Make sure to explain through your message how your products or services will be changing and how these might affect your customers. You might also add alternative solutions that you are planning to put into place in response to the pandemic, such as offering virtual services or online delivery options.

Inform your audience regarding the processes and precautions you are taking

Having your business affected by the pandemic requires you to observe certain processes and safety precautions to keep your customers safe and your day-to-day operations running smoothly. Give your customers peace of mind and reassure them that the quality of the products and services they receive is top-notch despite the health crisis by informing them about the concrete, actionable steps you are taking. 

Some well-defined sets of procedures that you can highlight in your email include cleaning protocols, safety precautions, remote work processes, and other changes in your usual procedures. Be specific and clear about the steps you are taking so that you can communicate your purpose and message thoughtfully and clearly.


Handling a business during this uncertain time is truly challenging. If you are considering sending out an email regarding COVID-19 to your customers as part of your digital marketing efforts, make sure that you do it to share important and meaningful information and not just as a marketing stunt. At the same time, ensure that your email is well-thought-out and true to your brand.

Do not craft a statement just for the sake of sending it. Remember that most inboxes are now overcrowded with newsletters and emails on COVID-19 from businesses, and your audience is always on their toes anticipating important information. Because of this, it is best to write a message only when needed so that you can avoid being the cause of unnecessary anxiety, fear, and stress to your customers.

If you are looking for a web design company in Winnipeg, get in touch with us today to see how we can help your digital marketing during COVID-19!