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3 Best Practices for Website Updating in 2024

June 12, 2020
By Joshua Hay
a good website on a macbook computer

Modern businesses know that a website is a cornerstone of success in this digitally-oriented landscape, especially when it comes to establishing a prominent online presence. Considering the fast-paced nature of the modern age, keeping up with trends ensure you stay relevant to your audience.

One way to maintain engagement is to update the look and functionality of your website. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need a complete overhaul, but changing your header image, adding new content, updating your call-to-action buttons, and other digital fix-me-uppers can do wonders in refreshing your site for 2024. 

With that in mind, the tips below should clue you in on the best ways to stay on top of your game and boost your engagement: 

Tip #1: Review Your Visual Content and Design  

The best way to start your website’s makeover is to first evaluate your current design. This helps you identify elements that are worth keeping, and areas that need improvement. Part of the visual content you need to review includes images and videos. 

Changing the header image, for instance, is a simple way of staying in line with the changes you make in your brand identity. It removes any outdated themes in your imagery and promotes relevance to your visual assets, which has a significant impact on attracting visitors. 

Tip #2: Update Your Written Content 

Updating the look of your website can facilitate positive first impressions, but it’s only half the battle. It helps to read up on your past blog posts and check whether the information is relevant to the current times. 

This will also help you discover any broken or missing links, or edit incorrect information. Keep in mind that 404s and broken links can damage your ranking in search engines, so ensuring that all your pages are in working order protects your brand’s credibility. 

As for updating the written content, changing the copy on your call-to-action is enough to narrate your message in a way that is cohesive to your brand’s latest language. 

Tip #3: Create Unique Offerings 

Updating your website doesn’t have to be limited to its visual or written content. You can embrace change by incorporating new elements to your marketing campaigns – be it creating competition in social media to engage viewers, creating an app that can act as an extension of your website, and other offerings that can spice up your marketing funnel. 

The Bottom Line: Improving Your Website Ensures You Can Stand Out From a Competitive Crowd 

Keeping your online presence fresh ensures your brand remains relevant to the ever-changing trends in the market. Whether it’s giving your site a new paint job by improving the color palette, to strengthening your call-to-actions and focusing on blog posts that inspire valuable conversations with your customers, giving your website a makeover can improve your business in more ways than one. 

Having the flexibility to refresh the look and feel of your site, even with minor changes, goes a long way in helping your brand stand out in a highly competitive business landscape. 

If you’re looking to keep up with the online challenges in this fast-paced world, we’re your best option. We’re a Winnipeg web design and digital marketing agency that can help keep your website fresh in 2024.